The Early Years Philosophy


The Early Years Pre-School recognises your child’s unique learning approach to play and the world around them. The program is set up so that your child(ren) can discover play materials through open ended and teacher directed educational opportunities depending on your child(s/rens) learning style, comfort level, personality and interest.  The program uses the Ages & Stages check list, the mile stones checklist, and observations of your child to gear programing that challenge and nurture your child’s developmental milestones. The program recognises that individuality in learning styles is key to fostering an environment where children can use materials in open ended methods so children learn to think outside of the box, problem solve, acquire leadership opportunities and nurture team building skills. Teacher directed learning opportunities come into play when Educators want to present factual learning in concrete and abstract methods to children so they can have a baseline in which to draw conclusions from when presented with a prediction, hypothesis that may beyond their current associative experience.

The Early Years Pre-school recognizes the need for quality learning opportunities and family experiences within the community of Grande Prairie and area. The program gives children the opportunity to experience art, poetry, music and culture though both local artist and artist across Canada. The program recognizes that Grande Prairie has a diverse population of Canadians that stretch out from BC to Newfoundland and beyond.  Canada is surrounded by beauty, vibrant with history and culture. Knowledge of crocheting, rug weaving, songs, limericks, dancing the jig, and so forth that were originally taught in the home and community by family are becoming lost in todays fast paste technologic world. The Pre-School’s goal is to weave these craftsmanship’s into its program through environment set up, programming, volunteer participation, and presenters.

Grande Prairie is an oasis of cultures. Many of Grande Prairies families have left their home of origin and many are without access to their extended family. The program recognizes the need to support children both developmentally, emotionally and socially. The Early Years Pre-School recognizes the gap in our generation role. The role of grand parent’s relationships within the family unit. Grandparents teach us to slow down, enjoy life, to be gentile, share stores, nurture, the important of history, value of family and traditions.  The program has a senior’s volunteer program where seniors help nurture children though our literacy program, story telling, music, art, crafts and presentations.